Shepparton Access is a registered charity and not for profit organisation that provides services and supports to people with disability within the Goulburn Valley.
Shepparton Access is a Learning and Lifestyle hub that provides group activities to increase independence, health and wellbeing. We have social enterprises to support people with a disability to continue their education and training and enhance employment opportunities.
Our Mission
Shepparton Access is an innovative Learning and Lifestyle hub in regional Victoria.
We believe in people and what they can achieve. We are passionate about empowering each other to make a difference in the lives of others.

Our History
Shepparton Access was established in 1995 with the principal purpose of advancing the wellbeing of vulnerable people in the Goulburn Valley community…
…including people with a disability and those experiencing social and economic disadvantage, by facilitating community-based, life-enhancing opportunities.
Our Vision
Inclusive lifestyle and learning for all members of our community. We achieve our vision by empowering participants to achieve their life goals through:

People &
Creating partnerships with participants, families, carers and the community.

Choice &
Delivering a person-centred approach to facilitate participant decision making.

Lifestyle &
Providing educational, social and wellbeing opportunities that enhance participant engagement and independence.