Shepparton Access
Is a registered charity and not for profit organisation that provides services and supports to people with disability within the Goulburn Valley.

Eco Park
Goulburn Valley EcoPark was established in 2008 as a joint initiative between Shepparton Access and St Luke’s Catholic Primary School.
This partnership is an engaging learning facility to advance the education of environmental sustainability.
Eco Store
Produce grown at EcoPark is prepared and cooked by our participants in-house to make an assortment of sauces, chutneys, relishes and jams for sale in our retail social enterprise EcoStore Enterprises located at 245 Wyndham Street, Shepparton.
Eco Cafe
EcoCafé Enterprises is a new social enterprise of Shepparton Access which commenced trading on 4 December 2023 at 240 Wyndham Street, Shepparton.
Our Story
Shepparton Access is an innovative Learning and Lifestyle hub in regional Victoria.
We believe in people and what they can achieve. We are passionate about empowering each other to make a difference in the lives of others.

Our People
Shepparton Access brings together a diverse, multi-disciplinary team of over 30 people with a range of eclectic skills including our support workers, chefs, baristas, retail and administration staff.
Our Programs and Activities
Shepparton Access offers a diverse range of programs and activities to NDIS funded participants.
These programs maximise opportunities and increase skills to support participants to achieve their goals.

Our Social Enterprises
EcoStore, EcoCafé and EcoPark are integral to the operations of Shepparton Access.
Our social enterprises provide opportunities for participants to further their work skills, build confidence and engage with the local community in a supportive environment.
Our Partners and Supporters
Shepparton Access appreciates the generous support of a multitude of organisations, businesses and people that assist Shepparton Access to achieve its goals and maximise opportunities for participants.